There's No Place Like Home


There's No Place Like Home

Summer time is upon us and that means vacation time! We just can't seem to wait to put work, school, and the routines of life in our rear view mirror. New places and new adventures await! Will it be the mountains this year or the beach? Maybe it will be a thrilling adventure at the theme park of your choice. It might just be that cruise you have always wanted to take.

No matter where that vacation leads you, there is one thing that is certain, there's no place like home. There is nothing quite like that feeling when you take that last turn onto your street and you see that wonderful little place that you call home. No more motel beds. Tonight you will sleep in your own bed! No more restaurant food. We just can't wait to get that first home cooked meal!

For the Christian, there is certainly no place like home. We know we are just strangers and pilgrims in this old world(Hebrews 11:13-16). We know that The Lord himself has prepared a home beyond anything mortal tongue can describe(John 14:1-4). We understand what the Apostle Paul meant when he said, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain". It meant going home. It meant heaven.

Heaven is home to me because of those that reside there. God the Father is there sitting upon His throne(Matthew 5:34-35). Seated at His right hand is Jesus, "the author and finisher of our faith"(Hebrews 12:1-2). Surrounding that throne will be all the saints. Abel, Enoch, and Noah;Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Peter, John, and Paul will all be there. If we live a life of faith as these did, we can be there too.

Heaven is also home to me because of the rest that we will enjoy there. In Revelation 14:13, John tells us that those that die in The Lord will rest from their labors.There will be no hospitals in heaven. Pain will be gone. There will be no funerals in heaven. Death will be no more.

I have seen the beauty of the Smoky Mountains and felt the warmth of a sandy Florida beach beneath my feet. I have experienced the thrill of a twisting and turning roller coaster and maybe one of these days I will get to take that cruise to far away places. However, this world holds nothing in comparison to the things which God has prepared for those that love him(1Corinthians 2:9). There is no place like heaven, my home.