Happiness Isn't Something that Depends on our Surroundings

Many times our attitude is what brings on depression and discouragement. We get down and out because of where we are or what we are going through, but it doesn't have to be that way. Blessedness awaits us if we can just find the right attitude towards ourselves, our sin, our Savior, and the world. Divine joy and perfect happiness come from within us, not from the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Don't Run Out Ahead of Him

Discouragement is going to come and that is certainly depressing. None of us want to be down and out, but what do we do when these times come? We must make sure that, "We don't run out ahead of Him". God is a God of plans and patterns and purpose. Whether we see it or not, He has it all under control. When difficulty comes our way, we can remain at peace knowing that our God will be there to give us what we need just in time. We must learn to wait upon the Lord.

It never occurred to any of us children that we ourselves were poor

"It never occurred to any of us children that we ourselves were poor". That's the title for episode 4 of the Closer Home Podcast. We are dealing with discouragement, depression, and being down and out as our theme right now. We have all been there, are there, or will be there. The question is how do we deal with that. Simple, help someone who is discouraged, depressed, or down and out. I know from my own personal life that it will help you as much or more than it helps them. We are all in this together and God is on our side. Grab somebody by the hand and make a difference in their life and see what a difference God will make in yours.

For Now You Must Trust Me to Carry it for You

It's too Heavy! Have you ever felt that way? When something is too heavy you can be sure that it will bring you discouragement and depression. If you don't deal with it you will be down and out before you know it. We all experience things that are too heavy for us to carry. The good news is that there is nothing so heavy that God can't carry it for you. Corrie Ten Boom learned that lesson from her father and if we are smart, we will learn that same lesson from our Father. Friends, there is no shame in casting all our cares on Him. He cares!

Closer Home Podcast Discouraged, Depressed and Down and Out Episode 0002

We don't like to talk about it, but discouragement is real and it is inevitable. Depression hurts and it can consume us if we don't know how to handle it. Being down and out isn't a sin unless you choose to stay there. In this episode we are going to meet Corrie Ten Boom. She was a survivor of the holocaust and stands as an excellent example for dealing with the tragedies that life throws at us. Let's be sure to read, study and meditate on Isaiah 32:2. Pray that God will give you wisdom and understanding. It is tough to face head on the things that are weighing us down, but let's do that together as we take our journey "Closer Home".