My Soap Journey

My Soap Journey

Soap has been around as long as history itself. The first soap recipe may have been recorded for us in Numbers chapter 19. The Israelites were instructed to make “Water of Purification”. A close examination of the instructions outlines all the ingredients of a very effective soap recipe. From that point we have records that show the Babylonians from 2800 BC and the Phoenicians from around 600 BC both used soaps, possibly to clean textiles before weaving them into cloth. The Romans perfected the soap making using animal fats and wood ashes. Soap making became an established craft in Europe and fragrances were added. Only the rich could afford soap and it was heavily taxed. The Europeans brought soap making to North America. It became part of homesteading activities and occurred yearly or semiannually, usually in the spring when raw materials were available.

My personal soap journey began a couple of years ago while standing in a grocery store buying supplies for a beach trip. I caught a whif of an amazing smell and I followed my nose to the adjacent isle and found a display of French Soaps. The lavender and floral scents were intoxicating! Then I saw the price tag and I was over it! When I arrived home from my trip I had a thought. If I could smell those soaps in a big grocery store, how good would they make my bathroom smell? Could I save money on air fresheners and justify the cost of the soap? Would they make me smell good too? Could I make this soap myself and save some money?

 I watched a few YouTube videos, and I was hooked! It was like cooking but, without the calories. I had so much fun experimenting with oils, scents, colors, natural additives and design. I loved the way the soaps smelled and the way they made my skin feel. I shared my soaps with others and enjoyed using them as special gifts for friends, family, and visitors at church. After about a year of playing around, my family were all pushing for me to take it to the next step. My son in- law bought me a soap cutter and helped push me to make my first sale. The whole family has been supportive and I love making soap with my grandbabies. I hope you can all see the love and joy in each bar. I hope you are blessed by my soap in some small way. I pray that you all can find a hobby that helps you get Closer Home.  
