Awake to Righteousness

"Billy, wakie wakie, eggs and bacie!"

"What's going on Trevor?"

"Reveille is sounding man and the Sarge is on his way. You better jump to attention before you get in trouble."

"What's the rush, we have all the time in the world."

"That's where you're wrong buddy. You had better get your head on straight, Billy! Don't you remember our mission for today?"

"Mission, what mission?"

"You have got to be kidding me! Just the most important mission we have ever known. We are going to....."


How many of you would like to be in Billy's shoes right now? He has over slept, he is ignorant of what lies ahead, and he seems not to care one bit. He has let Trevor down. He has put his entire unit behind the eight ball. He has failed to live up to the expectations of his Sergeant. The mission is at risk and it is all his fault.

Many of the redeemed, Christians, are just like Billy. They are asleep when they ought to be awake. They are sadly ignorant of their Commander and his mission. What is even worse, they live day to day in a manner that screams, none of it matters. Just like Billy, it is time to get our head on straight.

The church at Corinth had a lot of problems. The Apostle Paul sent them a letter addressing all their issues. He didn't pull any punches and he didn't beat around the bush. As he nears the end of his letter, he pens the following, "Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame"-1 Corinthians 15:34.

Friends, it is time that we wake up and that we wake up on the right side of the bed! There is a right and there is a wrong and it is our duty to "wake up" to "righteousness". Billy's unit was supposed to be going on the most important mission they had ever known. We have the most important mission the world has ever known and we can't let sin sidetrack us from that mission.

It is hard to believe that there were Christians in Corinth that didn't have the knowledge of God. What is even harder to believe is that there are Christians today that don't have the knowledge of God. The bible is the best selling book of all time so how could this be true? The bottom line is we don't hunger and thirst for it like we should. Billy wasn't informed therefore, he was completely lost. Don't let that be you.

The apostle Paul goes on to say that this was to their shame. It is easy for us to see that Billy should be ashamed of himself, but what about us? Are we sleeping when we ought to be awake? Are we ignorant of God and the mission that he has given us? Have we put our souls at risk along with the souls of so many lost people in the world?